Sunday 27 April 2014

Kindle the reader in you.

I have, more than often, heard bibliophiles speak at length about the lure of paper. Let me start by saying that this post would never have happened if I held my love of paper higher than my love of reading, because this is about my e-reader: Kindle Paperwhite.
Kindle Paperwhite
Kindle Paperwhite 2013
Before I start ranting about how much I love this piece of technology and why, let me add a disclaimer that I'm biased about my ereader for the emotional value it holds, as it is a gift from someone I hold high in regard. But apart from that, for all practical purposes this isn't for those who can't let go of their love for the aroma of a book, new or old, or for those who have to hold their book in their own hands to read it. This is for those who, for all practical purposes, love reading and reading alone. This is for the 'on-the-go' person who loves reading thick paperbacks and hates dog-ear marked book or fumbling with a bookmark, yet is forced to use the bookmark because it helps maintain the aesthetics of the book( I get paranoid when someone mishandles my book. I can go to great lengths to keep them looking fresh).
 It's a 6", rectangular slab of bliss that's a staple in my handbag right now. It makes reading all those big, bulky paperbacks a piece of cake, more so, because now carrying them is easier than before. Gone are those days when I'd choose small books to read on-the-go, and big ones to read at home, simply because I didn't want to carry around those huge paperbacks. And this then put me behind my reading schedule because I ended up finishing only the small ones and the big books just kept lagged thereby causing me to lose interest in them over a period of time.
A girl has to read what she has to read. And I for one, like to keep a healthy mix across genres. I like my share of Elizabeth Gilbert, James Patterson, Sylvia Day and George R R Martin all the same. And I hate it when people preen and crane their necks to catch the cover of the books I read to judged me by the cover. Enter Kindle Paperwhite-now people don't have to know what I'm reading, not unless of course I blog about it.
By this point of time you probably have guessed that I'm touchy when it comes to my books. So after intrusive comments on my reading choices, the next thing I hate is to lend my books. (Yes, that's a not-so-subtle hint to all my friends.) Almost every time I've lent my books they have either never returned, or have returned doggy-eared, stained, scarred or, worse still, with missing pages.So come on, let's all face it. We can't trust anyone with those precious little things. But now since Kindle Paperwhite happened to me I don't have to part with my precious' as technically all of them are stored in it can't be parted with.
If you still aren't convinced of getting yourself an e-reader,last but not the least here is a YouTube video that I came across while I was doing my market research on what to buy. I will never try this at home. I strongly recommend you don't either. Hence the video.
My Kindle Paperwhite cover
My Kindle Paperwhite cover
Up to this point it's pretty clear that I'm biased towards my Kindle, But I'm not. Though I love the e-ink technology which gives me a nearly paper-like feel and just the adequate amount of side-lighting, there are a couple of things I would like for Amazon to improve on. I would love for them to introduce colour atleast to give the book art some appeal. I also wished they revised some of their payment options. I live in India and I don't own a credit card. But does not allow me to make debit card payments for digital books. It's frustrating, especially when I have one of those book pangs and just HAVE TO read a particular book immediately. (Irrespective I still love my Kindle, but in case you want options you may want to consider Kobo ereader, or read this.)
Now, time for the final note. If and when you buy an ereader don't shy away from buying it a cover. You get quite an option on Amazon itself, but there are plenty other options available outside. You may check eBay, staples or mobilefun in India. But I choose a fun, creative and organic cloth cover from Runa. (Here is the link if you are interested.)But there  Following are a few things you need keep in mind before you take the plunge into buying an e-reader.
Formats compatiable with Kindle: pdf,mobi,sdr,azw,prc and txt (compatiability chart of other e-readers)
  • Easy to carry; lightweight.
  • You can read in any light, even in no light- all thanks to the sidelight.
  • Perfect for sudden book cravings. Just go online and buy a book and voila: the book reaches your device.
  • The device comes with a pre-loaded dictionary.
  • Enables discreet reading. Nobody can judge you by the covers of the books you read.
  • A drop or two does no harm to it
  • Last but not the least, you no longer have to share books because you can't.
  • The print is in black & white.
  • It may hang from time to time. (Just plug it to charge and then try to switch it off/on.)
  •  You may purchase your books only from the Amazon website, and you need a credit card for all online purchases.

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